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Terra Nauta

Matter of style.


A robust working vessel transformation into a luxurious motor yacht, a hard work that evolved into joy, refined by the pleasure-seeking need:

A robust working vessel transformation into a luxurious motor yacht, a hard work that evolved into joy, refined by the pleasure-seeking need:


A land of seamen – terra|nauta was once the name for the largest part of the Croatian Adriatic Coast, nowadays Dalmatia. Vast number of Dalmatian seamen with the exceptional skills were well recognised as far back as the 17th century, when they sailed not only over the Mediterranean basin, but all over the world seas. A crew returned from one such voyage on a ‘’guc’’ – a very old type of strong and endurable semi-displacement boat. With its exceptional navigational properties, the guc soon became very popular all over the coast.

The primal lines of a reliable and agile guc, an uncatchable sea vagabond, has remained unchanged for almost two thousand years. During this time, the vessel has not become famous for its long journeys, great discoveries, nor the names of any researchers.

No books have been written about it, no movies have been made.

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terra|nauta has been successfully navigating the demanding market of luxury boating for over 15 years.

terra|nauta has been successfully navigating the demanding market of luxury boating for over 15 years.